Friday, June 5, 2009

NRA Refuse To Be A Victim Class

Attention Montana preppers in SW Montana. There will be an NRA RTBAV class at the Lewis and Clark County Library (120S. Last Chance Gulch, Helena) on Wednesday,22Jul09 from 1830-2045. The class is free but it is requested that you call to register at least a week before the class so there will be enough student packets. Call the Library to register: 406.447.1690.

RTBAV is a class on crime prevention through awareness and good use of simple gadgetry. Guns are only mentioned as not being covered in this course. It is especially valuable in re: domestic violence issues and SHTF personal/family safety preparedness.

Here is a link to the NRA's FAQs for this course:

Hope to see you all there.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good meetup. Hope you guys have fun.

Kentucky Preppers Network

APN said...

I have you set up with Admin access now so you can customize the Montana Site if you like.

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