Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cyber Security and Stalking

We use our computers to network and to gather information on prepping, etc. We need to be careful here too about security. Here are some links dealing with maintaining a safe computing environment. And a few links for dealing with cyber stalkers. Learn, enjoy. Defend your cyber retreat!

Basic Information
This site has a great deal of basic information on cyberstalking and bullying. Simply written and has solid advice.Mostly directed toward kids and their parents. This link is to a page where further help can be requested. Note that the request will result in a volunteer contacting the questioner to help brainstorm response to the harassment. http://www.wiredsafety.org/cyberstalking_harassment/

One of the best sites for learning about safe computing practices. Little on what to do if things go bad. Consider it a site for working healthy, not a site on treating “disease”. http://www.besafeonline.org/English/safer_use_of_services_on_the_internet.htm

CyberAngels, a branch of the venerable Guardian Angels organization has a site that deals with various online threats. Also has a downloadable PDF manual that is geared toward parents but contains solid information everyone should know about online security.

A good site for home users, teachers, and business computer security people. Has a link to online security checks, I have utilized several of these sites over the years. http://www.staysafeonline.org/

Somewhat dated, c. 1998, general information page on cyberstalking. But does sketch out how to get law enforcement aid. http://www.cyberguards.com/CyberStalking.html

From the FTC. Many useful documents here that can be viewed and dowloaded: choose VIEW in the web browser, then click the SAVE icon in the PDF window. http://bulkorder.ftc.gov/index.php?showcat=Identity+Theft%2C+Privacy%2C+and+Security%3A+Privacy+and+Security

Dealing With Cyberstalking
National Center for Victims of Crime stalking page. Has a downloadable stalking incident log, legislative updates, plus the phone number to call for victims of crime (1-800-FYI-CALL, M-F 8:30 AM - 8:30 PM EST, or e-mail gethelp@ncvc.org) Good, downloadable brochures. http://www.victimbar.org/src/main.aspx?dbID=DB_Virginia3189

Very good site that covers identity theft in great detail. http://www.identitytheft.com/

2003 technical article from India on cyberstalking. Very good outlining of how it happens and covers the various associated threats, ID theft, etc. well. It is somewhat technical but is worth a read to “look under the hood” of the stalking process. http://www.erces.com/journal/articles/archives/volume2/v03/v02.htm

All of the current state statutes related to cyberstalking. Montana's laws are good enough. http://www.ncsl.org/IssuesResearch/TelecommunicationsInformationTechnology/CyberstalkingLaws/tabid/13495/Default.aspx

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